She has been with me for all of the important things in my life over the past 13 years. Relationships, breakups, holidays, births, deaths, new careers and adventures! She has been my support, my family and has loved me unconditionally! I miss her desperately!
I thought I would share a few photos with you all! I also need to thank from the bottom of my heart all of my friends and family who were there with me and helped me through those horrible few days. A special thanks to Liz and her fiancee Alex, (Liz lost her little baby Tara just the week before to kidney failure-her and Alex grew up together), thank for coming over and helping me get her up and outside. Angie & Liz thank you for going with me to the vet, being there at the end with me and holding my hand and letting me cry. Kristen & Melissa for rushing over after a long day of work to sit on the porch, drink a beer with me and toasting the best dog in the whole world!
I was so blessed to have had her in my life and know that she is running around up there with her her friends Tara, Sophie & Ginger, chasing deer and keeping my Mom company! I miss you and will always love you Alex, my very sweet girl!
I had only had her a few days when my dad took this great photo of her. It was really hot and she found this crevice with running water to cool off in! She loved to hike!

We took her up to Lake Powell where she tumbled off the boat and landed on her nose in the sand, she was such a cute puppy.
Alex and Beefy just couldn't understand why they could not come in the house after being skunked the night before. Kristen & I gave them a bath of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and detergent and left them outside in the sun where they both proceeded to get lovely red highlights!

Melissa Dunstan took the two photos of Alex below. She was even featured in an ad in Mountain Living & ended up touring the country for a trade show advertising canvases! Very pretty girl!

Alex was a sweetheart and will always be remembered with love and joy. She had a special way to cheer everyone's day. It was my honor to be her friend. Heaven is a brighter place with her there now. We love you Alex.
Ah she was such a cute puppy! I love her white feet! Losing a pet is so so hard. I am so sorry you had to go through that!
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